Joy to Life Foundation: Re-Committing To Our Roots

In late 2012, when the JTL Foundation decided to start a magazine, it had these goals in mind: to raise awareness of how a healthy lifestyle can help prevent breast cancer and other health issues and provide information and advice on how to pursue such a lifestyle; to spread positive stories about survivors of breast and other cancers in our area; and to promote the life-saving work of the Foundation and recognize the many supporters (businesses and individuals) who make that work happen.

Through the years, the magazine that grew out of that initial decision has had several different names. Just recently, we shortened Joy to Life magazine to simply JOY, and we feel that this one single word very accurately and powerfully conveys what we want the magazine to represent and bring to its readers.

We’re making a hard turn back to our roots ensuring that the Foundation’s values and mission are at the core of everything we do. We’re proud to be pink and to heavily promote everything it represents!

Over seven years of publication, the inside of the magazine has remained relatively unchanged. But in the face of upheaval and uncertainty that 2020 threw at us all, just like so many of you, we at JOY magazine stopped to reassess. Were we truly living up to what we said we wanted to be way back in 2012? While we’ve created and presented a veritable mountain of engaging, informative content focused on how to live a more sustainable, balanced and healthy life, we came to the conclusion that we could do more and do better. We can do more to spotlight local folks fighting cancer and other health issues, either as patients or as those physically unaffected themselves, but still doing battle as doctors, nurses, researchers, caregivers and more. We can do better to highlight everything the Foundation is and does.

So, in 2021 we will. In this new year, full of new possibilities and opportunities, JOY is making a fresh start. We’re not changing too much. You’ll still find coverage of the topics you’ve come to love: articles outlining our state’s vast outdoor recreation options; Overviews of yummy, nutritious ingredients with recipes that include them; Inspiring personal profiles; Tips for achieving both physical and mental wellbeing; and so much more.

But we’re making a hard turn back to our roots too, ensuring that the Foundation’s values and mission are at the core of everything we do. We’re proud to be pink and to heavily promote everything it represents! As we move forward, JOY will more clearly be a “Foundation-first” publication released in two print issues (out in February and September). Plus, we’re greatly expanding our digital presence, too, giving you a special Summer digital issue, out in July, and multiple articles each month will be published online at

We’re excited about this next step in our journey and hope you’ll join us! Click here to visit our JOY magazine site.