
Many individuals, companies and organizations plan creative events to raise funds and awareness in support of the Joy to Life Foundation throughout the year.  These events are a perfect occasion to honor or remember someone special or to celebrate a survivor that has become an inspiration.

Interested in creating a Fight Breast Cancer event? Here are a few ideas: Host a Health Fair, Zumba-thon, Golf Tournament, Volleyball Tournament, Bake Sale, Tennis, Bowling or Cornhole Tournament, Silent Auction.

If you are you planning an event, let us know.  Please take a moment to complete this form so our staff will have the information we need to support your efforts and offer promotional options.

Make sure your Community Event Form is submitted at least 3 weeks prior the date of your event.

Please make sure to enter your email address correctly. Your confirmation of registration will be emailed to you at this address.
If your event has multiple dates or is happening all month, please let us know in the Purpose of Event info as part of the brief event description.
If your event is taking place in multiple locations, please include all locations.
This number will help our staff determine the amount of any Joy to Life materials you may need.
Please provide a brief description and purpose of your event.
If you would like to provide Joy to Life materials at your event, please check the items below for our staff to prepare. The number of items provided will be determined by the number of Potential Attendees. These items must be picked up at the Joy to Life Foundation office in Montgomery.

We appreciate your submission of all fundraising monies no later than two months from the date of your event.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 26